Sunday, June 27, 2010

Technology Isolates

I think that technology makes our society more connected, but less personal.

You're at a bar with a bunch of people. Your family and close friends live far away so you just found some acquaintances to watch the big game with. The Unites States scores and instead of calling your family or friends, you mass text them, or tweet, or check our iphone from such messages from them.

It's a good friend's birthday. Instead of calling them, or visiting, or sending a card, you post a sweet little message on facebook. A lot of people see the message, but you have no idea what kind of day your friend had, or how he is doing in general.

You're at the office. Instead of having an important conversation with some co-workers, you e-mail. It takes to long to get everyone together. Some people understand what you said, but others don't. There are misunderstandings and feelings get hurt.

I think that people are more connected because of technology in the sense that we can now easily reach hundreds of people in our lives instantly. They can reach other people. As the authors of Introduction to Sociology point out, our technological networks are huge. Organizations now have large, loose networks and this is quickly leading to a more global society.

However, I think that we are actually less connected in a personal sense than society before the technology boom. I am guessing that rare are the days when we just spend time playing board games, talking on the front porch, eating around the table or having people over for dinner parties.

1 comment:

  1. While I agree with most of what you said, the last bit I do not completely agree with. Many people still have some compulsion of proximity, even those who are completely plugged in. My extraordinarily geeky friends and I meet at least once a week to play board games and eat, if not two or three times. Online gamers often gather to form LAN parties and play their games with people they can interact with face to face; there are nearly weekly events for this on many college campuses.

    While I can definitely see that technology is allowing us to be more impersonal, I see that people can still chose to step away for some time, or that technology can be used to interact face-to-face in new and interesting ways.
